Resources for Families
When schools work together with families to support learning, children are inclined to succeed not just in school, but throughout life.
The following are just a few suggestions of the many ways you can be involved with your child's education:
Contact your child's teacher early in the school year and maintain communication throughout the year.
Ensure that your child's school has your up-to-date contact information.
Participate in parent/teacher conferences.
Ask the teacher what your child is learning and how you can support your student at home.
Talk with your child daily about homework, classroom activities, and events.
Learn about school policies and expectations so you can help your child
understand them. -
Model behaviors and attitudes you expect from your child.
Encourage and nurture your child's creativity.
Talk with your employer about flex time so you can participate in school
activities. -
Establish a daily family routine.
Monitor out of school activities.
Express high, but realistic expectations for achievement.
Encourage your child's development/progress in school.
Be positive when talking with your child about school-related activities.
Communicating Effectively with Your School
Click on the video below to learn more about effective communication with your child's school