No matter the circumstances, today and every day, blood donors are essential!

Schedule a blood drive with OneBlood today!
Your first step to donating blood
Years-old with signed parental consent form
Pounds and in good health
The number of lives you can save.
Every 2 seconds someone in the U.S. needs blood. Life can change in a moment and any of us could be in need of a blood transfusion for an emergency, natural disaster or pandemic.
OneBlood offers high schools an innovative opportunity to improve student health, instill community spirit and receive additional educational program assistance and scholarship funding – all by hosting blood drives throughout the school year!
Hosting a Blood Drive is as Easy as 1, 2, 3
1. Meet with your OneBlood representative to schedule the drive, establish realistic goals and develop a recruitment plan. Obtain support from your school administration, staff and club advisors.
2. Recruit members of your team to help along the way. Have your team recruit donors one-on-one and schedule them for specific media.
3. Spread the word about your blood drive through a variety of communication channels. Get creative! Some ideas include school announcements, website, internal communications, posters and social media.

Benefits of Donating Blood
Each donor gets a wellness checkup including COVID-19 antibody test, blood pressure, temperature, iron count, pulse and cholesterol screening!
OneBlood will provide $20 toward the Education Assistance and Scholarship Program for every unit of blood collected at school blood drives
Scholarship payments and awards will be issued during the annual high school luncheon in recognition of your dedication to saving lives
Enhanced Safety Measures
The top priority of OneBlood is the safety of our donors, team members and blood recipients. All blood centers are regulated by the FDA and must follow strict guidelines on how they operate. OneBlood meets all FDA guidelines and all team members follow strict safety protocols.
Who We Are
Learn about OneBlood’s mission, values and the hospitals we serve
For more information or to host a blood drive with OneBlood, please contact:
Alex Martinez, Regional Director at OneBlood
Helpful Links
Click here for blood donation FAQ
Click here for High School donation tips
Click here for more information about hosting a blood drive